
Showing posts from July, 2020


Icy looks like the world, Frozen, And more or less blazoned. Watching the splashing snow, that comes off the skis, As they glide from the high mountains, I feel, As tsunami of white powder has touched the trees. As man puts force on the snow,  They shatter all around. Isn't it strange? I trow. High off the mountains, The sun shines, whose smile is most divine. The snowfall puts me on pause, Evokes me,  To discover wonders on a journey, For nature to act as an attorney. I want to capture the moment when mountains meet the sky, Maybe they unlock the mysteries of universe, Yes, they can, as, For them no laws apply. The golden eagle, The Eurasian dotteral, Fly in the highest boughs, Even if the trees don't allow. Above the snow line, Almost flora dies, But mosses and lichens stay alive. Here comes the spolier, Humanity seems to resemble that white powder, At rest, Without any movement, Exists but not in the right way. Icy looks like the world, Frozen, And more or less blazoned x x...

It's ohkay

If someone raises a question to you, "what are your plans?" Manyof you may come up with a lot of plans. A big thumbs up to them. But many of you may not come up with any. Because you don't have any. Well again a big thumbs up to them, because it's okay not to have a plan .  You know what everything in our life doesn't works according to a plan. A lot of us are forced to make very important decisions very early in life even when we are not sure about what we want to do. Again it's ohkay. Even I am not having a plan and I am also not sure about what I want to do. The answer lies in experimenting and doing so fearlessly.  Nothing is going to be easy in life after all the term life is itself unique and complicated too. For example stranded on your way, you are waiting for some rickshaw puller who will drop you to your home but what if six of the rickshaw pullers say NO in a row. Will you give up going to your home.  O you won't you will search for a more oppo...

Getting to grip with air pollution : Government or us?

The pollution of the planet is only an outward reflection of an inward psychic pollution. Millions of unconscious individuals, not taking responsibility for their inner space. When we have caused air pollution, then why ask the govt for solution?  We  the present generation have the responsibility to act as a trustee of rich natural wealth for the upcoming generations. The issue is not merely about climate change, it's about climate justice.  The question in front of us right now, is that whether if the govt completely responsible or we citizens have an equal role in contributing to the larger cause? What can the elected govt do alone, when we citizens don't put even the slightest of our efforts? What if the govt makes rules, but we don't follow them. And thinking about strong implementation in our country, is just a magical fantasy. Let me ask you, why has the national ganga river act been successful? Just because of the govt? No, because of equal support and dedication ...